
Conception & Coordination

Every successful project needs a good conception. Starting with the first ideas right away can often inspire, but before it's time to implement the final product, I put it all together in a coherent conception. That not only helps writing good and consistent code, it also provides clarity of the goals and options very early on.

After the initial conception phase, I can coordinate the project. If special skills are required, I work together with other freelancers from my network.


The conception is ready? Then the next step is the implementation. Be it robust and reliable frontend code with HTML and CSS, interactive elements with JavaScript or complex processes with database integrations or internal user areas, together with you I can find a sound solution for many use cases.

Especially important to me is to write high quality code. That means: A good code structure, code comments for a better understanding by other developers and (unit) tests for important code. Bad code comes back to roost, e.g. in future expansions, through an avoidable security issue or when new developers join the team. Good code is maintainable, easy to understand and secure.


The best code doesn't help if the site can only be maintained by the developer. The solution are Content Management Systems (CMS). They provide an easy to use interface to change and format the content.

In the last 10 years, I have been exclusively working with Kirby, a very flexible and thus very adaptable CMS. As a member of Kirby's development team, I am very experienced with the functionality and can adapt the system to your needs and the project requirements as well as find solutions to fit your workflow.

Servers & Service

I'm there for you even after the implementation of the project, will help you to find a fitting web hosting provider and set the website up for you. Depending on the provider I offer setting up backup strategies, custom-fit deployment processes and staging sites. Before the website goes live, optimizations like HTTPS, CDNs, caching and compression are possible too.

And if you have any questions after the project is done or if anything doesn't work, I'm here to help.

Sounds great?
Then feel free to tell me about your project, I will be happy to help you.

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